Certificados SSL
Protege tu sitio añadiendo confianza a tus visitantes.
Tenemos certificados para todas las necesidades de seguridad con un amplio rango de marcas.
Escoge el nivel de validación que necesitas
Domain Validation (DV)
Seguridad BásicaSólo se valida el dominio. Expedido en minutos. Ideal para blogs, social media y sitios personales.
ComprarOrganization Validation (OV)
Fuerte SSL nivel negociosVerificación básica de identidad. Ideal para pequeños negocios y sitios web que usan información de clientes.
ComprarExtended Validation (EV)
Máxima protección y confianzaVerificación completa de identidad. Ideal para empresas y sitios de comercio electrónico que buscan brindar máxima confianza a sus visitantes.
ComprarQue es un Certificado SSL?
Los Certificados SSL son fundamentales para la seguridad en Intenet. Se usan para establecer una conexión encriptada y así permitir transmitir datos de manera segura entre el navegador web o dispositivo del usuario (visitante) y el servidor donde esta alojado en sitio o servicio.
- Establece una conexión segura entre un navegador web y un servidor
- Encripta la comunicación para proteger los datos sensibles que te proporcionan tus clientes
- Coloca un candado junto a tu dirección web en el navegador
- Verifica la identidad de la organización
Los Certificados SSL Standard (Validación de Dominio) son el tipo más común y fáciles de adquirir. Los OV and Certificados EV además verifican la identidad de la empresa u organización propietaria del certificado brindando así más confianza a los visitantes y usuarios.
Con nuestros certificados SSL*, no necesitarás realizar pasos manuales para configurar y desplegar nuevos certificados cada año. Generamos un pedido de renovación automáticamente cuando está cercana la fecha de expiración. Después del pago, este se configurará, validará y aprovisionará automáticamente.
* Tu dominio debe estar hospedado con el mismo proveedor que te vendió el certificado SSL, y el servidor debe ser cPanel, Plesk o DirectAdmin.
Mejora el posicionamiento en motores de búsqueda
Establece confianza y seguridad en línea para los visitantes de tu sitio web y negocio.
Google busca hacer la web más segura y una buena parte de ello inplica que los sitios a los que acceden los usuarios de Google sean seguros. Por ello, los sitios que usan SSL se ven beneficiados con un mejor posicionamiento en los resultados de búsqueda.
También hay más razones que podrías considerar al añadir SSL a tu sitio web:
Los navegadores web han cambiado, no te quedes atrás
Actualiza a Extended Validation SSL
Mientras que los Certificados SSL usan métodos similares para proteger y validar tu información, el nivel de confianza y protección varía entre ellos.
Los Certificados de Validación Extendida ofrecen el nivel más alto de validación y confianza. Validan y muestran el nombre y ubicación de la empresa y organización para brindar a los clientes confianza extendida al hacer negocios en línea.
Domain Validation (DV)
Organization Validation (OV)
Extended Validation (EV)
While the need for online security is universal, not all SSL Certificates are created equal. The guide below is designed to help you decide which type of certificate is right for you.
Domain Validation (DV)
- Verifies ownership and control of the domain name only
- Issued in minutes
- Maintains browser compliance
Ideal for non-critical web pages
Think of DV like getting a library card—no confirmation of who you really are, very minimal requirements to obtain and issued very quickly.
Browse Domain Validation CertificatesOrganization Validation (OV)
- Enhanced validation including authenticating the identity of the applicant
- Issued within one day
- Maintains browser compliance
Ideal for more sensitive webpages such as login pages
Think of OV like getting a driver’s license—more hoops to jump through than a library card but more trusted as a form of identification.
Browse Organization Validation CertificatesExtended Validation (EV)
- Standards-based approach to authentication, representing the highest level of authentication for SSL Certificates
- Typically issued within 1-3 days
- Maintains browser and other industry compliance
Ideal for sensitive webpages including ecommerce, online banking, account signups
Think of EV like getting a passport—much more stringent processes, longer lead times and more verification of who you are than with a library card or driver’s license. Recognized internationally as the most trusted way to verify your identity.
Browse Extended Validation Certificates-
RapidSSL® Certificates help you keep your customers' transactions secure with up to 256-bit data encryption and site authentication. Buy a certificate and speed through enrollment with automated domain control validation. Best of all, our SSL certificates are among the most affordable in the industry. We keep our costs down and pass the savings on to you.
$299.50 MXN/año -
GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium
Secure your website fast. GeoTrust® QuickSSL® Premium certificates are one of the quickest ways for you to start protecting online transactions and applications with SSL. With an automatic authentication and issuance process, it takes just minutes to get your QuickSSL Premium SSL certificate. After that, managing and renewing your certificates is a snap. With GeoTrust, you get inexpensive SSL without sacrificing convenience, choice, or reliability.
$1,399.67 MXN/año -
RapidSSL Wildcard
RapidSSL® Wildcard Certificates help you secure multiple subdomains with one low-cost SSL certificate issued to *.yourdomain.com. Protect your customers' personal data with up to 256-bit encryption. Automated domain control validation makes site authentication a breeze. At RapidSSL, we believe in providing the SSL protection you need at a competitive price.
$2,633.00 MXN/año -
GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium Wildcard
Secure your domain and all same level subdomains fast. GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium Wildcard certificates are one of the quickest ways to start protecting all your subdomains on a single certificate. Our automated email authentication process means you get your certificate in minutes. With QuickSSL Premium wildcard certificates, you get unlimited subdomains and on an unlimited number of servers - one certificate that will adapt as your business grows.
$4,666.33 MXN/año -
GeoTrust True Business ID Wildcard
Simplify certificate management with the convenience of a Wildcard certificate. GeoTrust® True BusinessID Wildcard certificates allow you to secure multiple subdomains on a single certificate, reducing management time and cost. Whether it's your company's home page or your mail server's hostname, protecting sensitive information is your goal — and it's our goal too.
$8,599.50 MXN/año -
GeoTrust True BusinessID
Business-class SSL—only better. When it comes to selecting SSL security for your business, you have a lot of choices. With GeoTrust, the decision is easy. GeoTrust® True BusinessID SSL certificates let your customers know that your site is trustworthy and that you take their security seriously enough to get your certificate from a globally trusted certificate authority.
$3,166.33 MXN/año -
Secure Site SSL
Protect your website or email traffic with industrial-strength 2048-bit encryption with a Secure Site SSL Certificate.
$8,333.00 MXN/año -
Secure Site Pro
With Secure Site Pro SSL offer high-assurance certificate with added features for comprehensive website security.
$20,999.67 MXN/año -
GeoTrust True Business ID with EV
Make a strong security statement with the green address bar. GeoTrust® True BusinessID with EV (Extended Validation) is our premium business-class SSL security product, visually confirming the highest level of authentication available among SSL certificates. The green bar says it all. Web site visitors really notice when the address bar turns green in their high-security browsers and the organization field starts to rotate between your business name and GeoTrust.
$5,399.67 MXN/año -
Secure Site EV SSL
Secure Site Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates protect your most valuable assets–your customers and your brand–from phishing scams and online fraud.
$20,999.67 MXN/año -
Secure Site Pro EV
Secure Site Pro EV SSL is the highest authentication with extra features for comprehensive website security and robust protection against identity-targeted attacks.
$28,666.33 MXN/año
Multi-Year SSL Certificates
Multi-year certificates allow you to pay a single discounted price for two or three years of SSL certificate coverage. When you purchase a multi-year SSL certificate, you lock in a single price for up to 3 years of coverage.
Initially, you will receive a certificate that is valid for the Certificate Authority Browser Forum's maximum allowed term (1 year and 1 month) with the right to unlimited certificate reissues during the order period.
Automated reissuance will occur automatically throughout the term to ensure continued protection for your website.
For example, a 2-year SSL certificate order works as follows:
SSL certificates must be revalidated periodically. The maximum certificate lifetime is 13 months, requiring revalidation annually.
- Enjoy increasing discounts for each year of coverage that you purchase.
- Remove the hassle of annual billing.
- Annual validation. Yearly validation of identity in shorter validity certificates prevents potential fraud and spoofing.
What is an SSL Certificate?
SSL Certificates enable data encryption on the internet and allow data to be transmitted securely from a web server to a browser. With SSL, your website can use the https protocol and will display a padlock in end users web browsers to indicate the connection is secure.
Why do I need an SSL Certificate?
SSL Certificates are an essential part of the internet. They not only encrypt communication between your computer and the server where a website is located, but they also provide verification that a site is what it claims to be.
What are the different types of SSL?
There are 3 different levels of vetting that SSL Certificates are based upon. Domain Validated (DV) , Organization Validated (OV), and Extended Validation (EV). The major difference between the types of certificate relates to the information the Certificate Authority, RapidSSL, GeoTrust and DigiCert, requires and validates in order to issue a certificate. The higher levels of certificate require more information, and often is displayed in the browser bar. EV SSL for example turns the browser bar green and displays the organization name to visitors to generate more trust.
What is a Wildcard SSL Certificate
A Wildcard SSL certificate provides the same encryption and authentication features as other SSL certificates but can also be applied to an unlimited number of subdomains of a website. A Wildcard SSL certificate supports the root domain (example.com) as well as its subdomains. Saber más
What are the advantages of an EV SSL Certificate?
EV, or Extended Validation, is the highest class of SSL available today and gives more credibility and trust to your website than other SSL Certificates. They include features such as the green address bar and display of your company name that have been proven to boost trust and consumer confidence.